Workshops on Robotic Surgery with experimental models
This year, CCMIJU, in its line to innovate and boost training in collaboration with enterprises and hospitals from everywhere, has organised some new hands-on and customised workshops with robotic technology, expected for 2020 last term.
Specifically CCMIJU is going to organise, in collaboration with the Enterprise ABEX-Excelencia Robótica SL, some workshops on Robotic Surgery (da Vinci Xi) using experimental models. They are addressed to health professionals from several specialties (urology, gynaecology, general surgery and thoracic surgery) interested in practising with this technology.
The workshops will count on a clinical specialist from ABEX, who will explain the technical features of the robotic equipment, the associated technologies and the virtual simulator for exercises. Subsequently the health professionals, monitored by a tutor-specialist, will be able to practice a surgical approach on the virtual simulator and in vivo, on experimental models.
The mentioned workshops will be developed in a full day, morning- afternoon, in two sessions: virtual simulation an in vivo model. Both of them will be customised and will count on a tutor for surgical training in experimental models.
The focus is to improve the patients’ health care, training surgeons and health professionals in innovative solutions.
For further info, please e-mail